How to make money from blogging
Have you been hearing of the word blogs? or blogging? or you quite know about it and you want to know how you can profit from it as a business? Well welcome, your at the right page. We'll be honest: blogging isn't the easiest way to make money. But, the great thing is that anyone can do it, as long as you have a phone/ computer and a good internet connection, you too can tap from the internet's money. All you need is something interesting to say and enough patience and dedication to build traffic and followers. But how do successful bloggers make their money? Ill show you... 1. Create Your Blog First thing first in making money via bloging is too first have your own means by which you stand a ground to earn, and this is by creating a blog/site which you can use in generating earnings. There are free hosting plartforms out there like Blogger, Github etc, and paid ones like Wordpress, Bluehost etc. Play around them, select the one for you and well, your done taking your first...